She-Male Fantasies (1990)
She-Male Fantasies (1990)
Starring: Frances Kase, Meghan Chavalier, Leilani, Crystal Crawford, Barbie Lynn, Terri, Coco, Lauren DiKarlo, Danielle Chambers, Vo D'Balm, Vida Deville, Amy Gale, Lony Brown
Categories: Shemale / Tranny
Date Added: 1990
(1476.9 Mb)
Shemales with women. Explore your sexuality! Ever been curious about what it might be like to suck a cock? Ever thought about sucking firm tits while stroking a rock hard cock? Give these horny he-shes a shot. Everything a woman can be and so much more!
Frances Kase, Meghan Chavalier, Leilani, Crystal Crawford, Barbie Lynn, Terri, Coco, Lauren DiKarlo, Danielle Chambers, Vo D'Balm, Vida Deville, Amy Gale, Lony Brown
Shemale Movies